Psicanálise Freudo-Marxista

Psicanálise em Geral

Bernard Muldworf (1923-2019)

Christopher Lasch (1932-1994)

Erich Fromm (1900-1980) (Blog sobre o autor)

Obras em Alemão e Inglês

Obras em Português e Inglês

  • Livros
    • O Medo à Liberdade (Escape from Freedom) [1941]
    • Análise do Homem (Man for himself, an inquiry into the psychology of ethics) [1947]
    • Psicanálise e Religião (Psychoanalysis and Religion) [1950]
    • A Linguagem Esquecida (The Forgotten Language; an introduction to the understanding of dreams, fairy tales, and myths) [1951]
    • Psicanálise da Sociedade Contemporânea (The Sane Society) [1955]
    • A Arte de Amar (The Art of Loving) (Editora Itatiaia) [1956]
    • A Missão de Freud (Sigmund Freud’s mission; an analysis of his personality and influence) [1959]
    • Zen budismo e a Psicanálise (Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis) [1960]
    • A Sobrevivência da Humanidade (May Man Prevail? An inquiry into the facts and fictions of foreign policy) [1961]
    • O Conceito Marxista do Homem (PDF) (Marx’s Concept of Man) [1961]
    • Meu Encontro com Marx e Freud (Beyond the Chains of Illusion: my encounter with Marx and Freud) [1962]
    • O Dogma de Cristo (The Dogma of Christ and Other Essays on Religion, Psychology and Culture) [1963]
    • O Coração do Homem (The Heart of Man, its genius for good and evil) [1964]
    • Humanismo Socialista (Socialist Humanism) [1965]
    • O Espírito da Liberdade (You Shall Be as Gods: a radical interpretation of the Old Testament and its tradition) [1966]
    • A Revolução da Esperança (The Revolution of Hope, toward a humanized technology) [1968]
    • A Crise da Psicanálise (The Crisis of Psychoanalysis) [1970]
    • Caráter Social de uma Aldeia (Social character in a Mexican village; a sociopsychoanalytic study) [1970]
    • Anatomia da Destrutividade Humana (The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness) [1973]
    • Ter ou Ser? (To Have or to Be?) [1976]
    • Grandezas e Limitações do Pensamento de Freud (Greatness and Limitation of Freud’s Thought) [1979]

Helmut Dahmer

Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)

Sobre Herbert Marcuse

Igor Caruso (1914-1981)

Max Horkheimer (1895-1973)

Michael Schneider (1943-…)

Nildo Viana



Otto Fenichel (1897-1946)

Sobre Otto Fenichel

Peter Brückner (1922-1982)

Reimut Reiche (1941-…)

Reuben Osborn (1908-…)

Richard Ruck

Russell Jacoby (1945-…)

Theodor Adorno (1903-1969)

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)
